Tuesday 10 August 2010

T&T University

As you are all aware, T&T will be an agency whose creative department will be most unconventional. Though directed and guided by my trusty board, it will be a department of unlimited creative minds from around the world, all contributing remotely.

Clearly T&T's success will therefore rely on a great degree of participation from passionate, eager, motivated, creative minds. Traits, I find, are notoriously associated with the young.

It strikes me then that T&T would be wise to make an attempt to form partnerships with as many advertising colleges, courses and universities as it can. Perhaps even going so far as to encourage colleges to include working on live T&T open briefs as part of their syllabus. Just think how wonderful it would be as a student to get the opportunity to see your work actually get made. And to get paid for it too!

This involvement at college level would ensure that T&T is automatically ingrained into the psyche of the next generation of advertising greats. It would also allow T&T to benefit from their young, fertile and digitally literate minds.

Anyway, as always I would be delighted to hear any thoughts or suggestions any of you may have on this matter.


  1. I teach a class for Miami Ad School, and the opportunity to work on open T&T briefs would definitely motivate the students to produce work. Cheerio good sir!

  2. Mr Arch, perhaps we could speak about this further.

    Would you mind providing me with your personal email?

    Many thanks

