Wednesday, 9 June 2010

T&T's first open brief!

Living for 40 years in the shadow of Ben Nevis, I became more than a little familiar with the Ben Nevis distillery, the oldest in Scotland. Through years of patronage (I’ve always been partial to a distillery tour) I developed a love of both the Ben Nevis single malt, and the people who produce it (my housekeeper Winona even uses it to make a most spectacular "flaming spotted dick").

However, outside of the small town of Fort William, not a soul has heard of it. Which is where you, the people of Trunchpole & Trunchpole come in.

On the 18th of June I will be paying Ben Nevis a visit to talk them through how T&T will turn them into the most respected whisky in the world.

All I need now is your ideas.

And remember, think big.

P.S. individuals who excel on this brief will be considered for starring roles in the agency.

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